We believe that, unlike most programs, it's actually possible to "finish" redo, in the sense of eventually not needing to extend its semantics or add new features. That's because redo is a pretty low-level system that just provides some specific features (dependency checking, parallelism, log linearization, inter-process locking). It's the job of your build scripts to tie those features together in the way you want.

make has its own imperative syntax, which creates a temptation to add new built-in functions and syntax extensions. In more "declarative" build systems, there's a constant need to write new extension modules or features in order to create functionality that wasn't available declaratively. redo avoids that by using a turing-complete language to run your builds. You should be able to build anything at all with redo, just by writing your .do scripts the way you want.

Thus, the only things that need to be added to redo (other than portability and bug fixes, which will likely be needed forever) are to fix gaps in redo's model that prevent you from getting your work done. This document describes the gaps we're currently aware of.

Note that all of the items in this document are still unimplemented. In most cases, that's because we haven't yet settled on a final design, and it's still open to discussion. The place to discuss design issues is the mailing list.

default.do search path, and separated build directories

One of the most controversial topics in redo development, and for developers trying to use redo, is: where do you put all those .do scripts?

redo searches hierarchically up the directory tree from a target's filename, hoping to find a default*.do file that will match, and then uses the first one it finds. This method is rather elegant when it works. But many developers would like to put their output files into a separate directory from their source files, and that output directory might not be a subdirectory of the main project (for example, if the main project is on a read-only filesystem).

There are already a few ways to make this work, such as placing a single default.do "proxy" or "delegation" script at the root of the output directory, which will bounce requests to .do files it finds elsewhere. One nice thing about this feature is it doesn't require any changes to redo itself; redo already knows how to call your toplevel default.do script. However, some people find the delegation script to be inelegant and complicated.

Other options include searching inside a known subdirectory name (eg. do/), which could be a symlink; or adding a .dopath file which tells redo to search elsewhere.

So far, we haven't settled on the best design, and discussion is welcome. In the meantime, you can write a delegation script (TODO: link to example) for your project. Because this requires no special redo features, it's unlikely to break in some later version of redo, even if we add a new method.

.do files that produce directories

Sometimes you want a .do file to produce multiple output files in a single step. One example is an autoconf ./configure script, which might produce multiple files. Or, for example, look at the LaTeX typesetting example in the redo cookbook.

In the purest case, generating multiple outputs from a single .do file execution violates the redo semantics. The design of redo calls for generating one output file from zero or more input files. And most of the time, that works fine. But sometimes it's not enough.

Currently (like in the LaTeX example linked above) we need to resolve this problem by taking advantage of "side effects" in redo: creating a set of files that are unknown to redo, but sit alongside the "known" files in the filesystem. But this has the annoying limitation that you cannot redo-ifchange directly on the file you want, if it was generated this way. For example, if runconfig.do generates Makefile and config.h, you must not redo-ifchange config.h directly; there is no .do file for config.h. You must redo-ifchange runconfig and then use config.h.

(There are workarounds for that workaround: for example, runconfig.do could put all its output files in a config/ directory, and then you could have a config.h.do that does redo-ifchange runconfig and cp config/config.h $3. Then other scripts can redo-ifchange config.h without knowing any more about it. But this method gets tedious.)

One suggestion for improving the situation would be to teach redo about "directory" targets. For example, maybe we have a config.dir.do that runs ./configure and produces files in a directory named config. The .dir.do magic suffix tells redo that if someone asks for config/config.h, it must first try to instantiate the directory named config (using config.dir.do), and only then try to depend on the file inside that directory.

There are a number of holes in this design, however. Notably, it's not obvious how redo should detect when to activate the magic directory feature. It's easy when there is a file named config.dir.do, but much less obvious for a file like default.dir.do that can construct certain directory types, but it's not advertised which ones.

This particular cure may turn out to be worse than the disease.

Per-target-directory .redo database

An unexpectedly very useful feature of redo is the ability to "redo from anywhere" and get the same results:

    $ cd /a/b/c
    $ redo /x/y/z/all

should have the same results as

    $ cd /x/y/z
    $ redo all

Inside a single project, this already works. But as redo gets used more widely, and in particular when you have multiple redo-using projects that want to refer to other redo-using projects, redo can get confused about where to put its .redo state database. Normally, it goes into a directory called $REDO_BASE, the root directory of your project. But if a .do script refers to a directory outside or beside the root, this method doesn't work, and redo gets the wrong file state information.

Further complications arise in the case of symlinks. For example, if you ask redo to build x/y/z/file but y is a symlink to q, then redo will effectively end up replacing x/q/z/file when it replces x/y/z/file, since they're the same. If someone then does redo-ifchange x/q/z/file, redo may become confused about why that file has "unexpectedly" changed.

The fix for both problems is simple: put one .redo database in every directory that contains target files. The .redo in each directory contains information only about the targets in that directory. As a result, x/y/z/file and x/q/z/file will share the same state database, x/q/z/.redo, and building either target will update the state database's understanding of the file called file in the same directory, and there will be no confusion.

Similarly, one redo-using project can refer to targets in another redo-using project with no problem, because redo will no longer have the concept of a $REDO_BASE, so there is no way to talk about targets "outside" the $REDO_BASE.

Note that there is no reason to maintain a .redo state database in source directories (which might be read-only), only target directories. This is because we store stat(2) information for each dependency anyway, so it's harmless if multiple source filenames are aliases for the same underlying content.

redo-{sources,targets,ood} should take a list of targets

With the above change to a per-target-directory .redo database, the original concept of the redo-sources, redo-targets, and redo-ood commands needs to change. Currently they're defined to list "all" the sources, targets, and out-of-date targets, respectively. But when there is no single database reflecting the entire filesystem, the concept of "all" becomes fuzzy.

We'll have to change these programs to refer to "all (recursive) dependencies of targets in the current directory" by default, or of all targets listed on the command line otherwise. This is probably more useful than the current behaviour anyway, since in a large project, one rarely wants to see a complete list of all sources and targets.

Deprecating "stdout capture" behaviour

The original design for redo specified that a .do script could produce its output either by writing to stdout, or by writing to the file named by the $3 variable.

Experience has shown that most developers find this very confusing. In particular, results are undefined if you write to both stdout and $3. Also, many programs (including make!) write their log messages to stdout when they should write to stderr, so many .do scripts need to start with exec >&2 to avoid confusion.

In retrospect, automatically capturing stdout was probably a bad idea. .do scripts should intentionally redirect to $3. To enforce this, we could have redo report an error whenever a .do script returns after writing to its stdout. For backward compatibility, we could provide a command-line option to downgrade the error to a warning.

Deprecating environment variable sharing

In redo, it's considered a poor practice to pass environment variables (and other process attributes, like namespaces) from one .do script to another. This is because running redo-ifchange /path/to/file should always run file's .do script with exactly the same settings, whether you do it from the toplevel from from deep inside a tree of dependencies. If an environment variable set in one .do script can change what's seen by an inner .do script, this breaks the dependency mechanism and makes builds less repeatable.

To make it harder to do this by accident, redo could intentionally wipe all but a short whitelist of allowed environment variables before running any .do script.

As a bonus, by never sharing any state outside the filesystem, it becomes much more possible to make a "distributed redo" that builds different targets on different physical computers.

redo-recheck command

Normally, redo only checks any given file dependency at most once per session, in order to reduce the number of system calls executed, thus greatly speeding up incremental builds. As a result, redo-ifchange of the same target will only execute the relevant .do script at most once per session.

In some situations, notably integration tests, we want to force redo to re-check more often. Right now there's a hacky script called t/flush-cache in the redo distribution which does this, but it relies on specific knowledge of the .redo directory's database format, which means it only works in this specific version of redo; this prevents the integration tests from running (and thus checking compatibility with) competing redo implementations.

If we standardized a redo-recheck command, which would flush the cache for the targets given on the command line, and all of their dependencies, this sort of integration test could work across multiple redo versions. For redo versions which don't bother caching, redo-recheck could be a null operation.

tty input

Right now, redo only allows a .do file to request input from the user's terminal if using --no-log and not using the -j option. Terminal input is occasionally useful for make config interfaces, but parallelism and log linearization make the console too cluttered for a UI to work.

The ninja build system has a console pool that can contain up to one job at a time. When a job is in the console pool, it takes over the console entirely.

We could probably implement something similar in redo by using POSIX job control features, which suspend subtasks whenever they try to read from the tty. If we caught the suspension signal and acquired a lock, we could serialize console access.

Whether the complexity of this feature is worthwhile is unclear. Maybe it makes more sense just to have a './configure' script that runs outside the redo environment, but still can call into redo-ifchange if needed.

redo-lock command

Because it supports parallelism via recursion, redo automatically handles inter-process locking so that only one instance of redo can try to build a given target at a time.

This sort of locking turns out to be very useful, but there are a few situations where requiring redo to "build a target by calling a .do file" in order to acquire a lock becomes awkward.

For example, imagine redo is being used to call into make to run arbitrary Makefile targets. default.make.do might look like this:

make "$2"

redo will automatically prevent two copies of redo all.make from running at once. However, if someone runs redo all.make myprogram.make, then two copies of make will execute at once. This might be harmless, but if the all target in the Makefile has a dependency on myprogram, then we will actually end up implicitly building myprogram from two places at once: from the myprogram part of all.make and from myprogram.make.

In hairy situations like that, it would be nice to serialize all access inside default.make.do, perhaps like this:

redo-lock make.lock make "$2"

This would create a redo-style lock on the (virtual) file make.lock, but then instead of trying to redo make.lock, it would run the given command, in this case make "$2".

It's unclear whether this feature is really a good idea. There are other (convoluted) ways to achieve the same goal. Nevertheless, it would be easy enough to implement. And redo versions that don't support parallelism could just make redo-lock a no-op, since they guarantee serialization in all cases anyway.

Include a (minimal) POSIX shell

A common problem when writing build scripts, both in make and in redo, is gratuitous incompatibility between all the available POSIX-like unix shells. Nowadays, most shells support various pure POSIX sh features, but there are always glitches. In some cases, POSIX doesn't define the expected behaviour for certain situations. In others, shells like bash try to "improve" things by changing the syntax in non-POSIX ways. Or maybe they just add new backward-compatible features, which you then rely on accidentally because you only tested your scripts with bash.

redo on Windows using something like MSYS is especially limited by the lack of (and oddity of) available unix tools.

To avoid all these portability problems for .do script maintainers, we might consider bundling redo with a particular (optional) sh implementation, and maybe also unix-like tools, that it will use by default. An obvious candidate would be busybox, which has a win32 version called busybox-w32.